Aboriginal children and young people

Since its commencement in January 2015, ACYP has heard from almost 30,000 children and young people on a wide array of topics and in a variety of ways, including through face to face consultations, online polling and citizens’ juries. More than 2,800 of children and young people consulted with to date have identified as Aboriginal.

ACYP has produced a report based on the views and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people that have been gathered through many consultations including: consultations for the NSW Strategic Plan for Children and Young People; targeted consultations with more than 1,300 Aboriginal children and young people; what needs to happen to improve the experiences of children and young people in care and consultations with young people in detention.

The report also includes the voices of Aboriginal children and young people that have participated in other ACYP targeted consultations; including those on bullying, violence, homelessness, mental health, living in regional NSW and creating child safe organisations. In each of these consultations the percentage of Aboriginal children and young people that participated has been between 5 and 10%.

The report of consultations with Aboriginal children and young people will be available soon.

Nations of Origin 2019 consultations

What is working well for you and others in your community?


What is not working well for you and others in your community?


What does culture mean to you? (top 10)