General Attitudes

ACYP conducts regular polls with children and young people to gauge their attitudes and experiences across a range of issues that impact them. The findings provide input to into decisions to improve the welfare and wellbeing of children and young people across NSW. Some recent results are below, and more will be made available here.

March 2019 poll

What children and young people think are the biggest problems facing children and young people in NSW


What children and young people think are the biggest problems facing young people in Australia


Whether children and young people know the appropriate avenues to contact government if they want to voice concerns


Which organisations would children and young people get involved in to give back to the community


Whether children and young people are proud of the Australian way of life and culture


Whether children and young people feel as if they belong in Australia


Belief in potential to positively influence their own future


Belief in own potential to positively influence their community’s future


Which online behaviours are children and young people more likely to seek information about independently rather than seeking help from others


Whether children and young people think their community supports gender equality


Whether children and young people think their current or former school supports those who identify as LGBTIQA+
