
The Advocate is required to focus on systemic issues and does not have the function under the Act of dealing directly with the complaints or concerns of particular children or young people. However, our office can provide children, young people and their families, friends and advocates with information about and referral to government and non-government programs and services. If your enquiry is regarding the ACYP Recovery Youth Support Service then please click on the 'Support' tab to find out more, make a referral or provide feedback.

It is important for us to hear your enquiries as this assists us with determining if there may be systemic issues that should be examined given our legislation and as part of our advocacy work.

Please allow us two weeks to respond to your enquiry.  If your matter is urgent, please call the office on 02 9248 0970 or email

If you or an individual is in immediate danger and requires urgent assistance, please contact the NSW Police Force or other emergency services by ringing 000.

Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People:

Phone: 02 9248 0970


Address: Ground Floor, 219-241 Cleveland Street
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

ABN: 36 433 875 185


P: 02 9248 0979 or 0439 346 249




You may like to contact the below services with your enquiry:

NSW Ombusman
02 9286 1000

Department of Communities and Justice

Looking for a Working with Children Check?

For emergencies

If you, or someone you care about, is in crisis call emergency services 000.

For violence-related support

NSW Domestic Violence Line
1800 65 64 63