
NSW Youth Advisory Council FAQs

What is the NSW Youth Advisory Council?

The NSW Youth Advisory Council (YAC) plays an important role in advising the NSW Government on issues that are relevant to young people across the state.

Membership of the YAC is open to all children and young people between 12 and 24 years of age residing in NSW. Applications are sought young people with diverse backgrounds and life experiences, from across NSW.

The 12 member YAC provides a direct avenue of communication between young people and the NSW Government. 

The YAC meets regularly throughout the year to provide advice to the relevant Minister, and the NSW Advocate for Children and Young People, on issues, policies and laws that affect children and young people in NSW.


Who is eligible to apply for the Youth Advisory Council

What is required of me?

Tips for completing your application

How to apply


To be invited to apply for the 2026 YAC, please enter your email address below.

What are some things the YAC has done?

  • Provided advice to Government and other agencies, including SafeWork, Women NSW, Revenue NSW, State Library of NSW, Office of Regional Youth, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Education, Disability Council NSW, NSW Health.
  • Co-facilitated ACYP events including Children's Week Parliament and the Young Thinking Seminar Series.
  • Met regularly with the NSW Advocate for Children and Young People to design and implement consultations with children and young people across NSW.
  • Met regularly with the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services.
  • Undertook training in advocacy, facilitation, media and cultural awareness.

What skills can I develop through the YAC?

  • Communication
  • Advocacy
  • Facilitation
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Media
  • Cultural awareness.

If you have any questions feel free to contact the office on 9248 0970, or