
Participation in Practice Case Studies

The office of the Advocate for Children and Young People has produced seven video case studies highlighting the value and the positive outcomes of best-practice participation.

These case studies detail seven different environments and situations where children and young people have been involved in making decisions that affect them. Through these case studies we can see the positive effect participation has not only for the organisation but for the children and young people involved.

Participation for children

2168 Children's Parliament

2168 Children's Parliament is an initiative of the Liverpool City Council, Mission Australia and the NSW Department of Education. 44 members, aged 9-12 years, from 12 participating schools are selected to represent their school and community. The 2168 Children’s Parliament provides them with an opportunity to have a voice in local, state and national decisions making processes about issues that affect them. The program develops children’s confidence, leadership and public speaking skills, while fostering a sense of belonging in the community, and engagement in decision making. This case study highlights how providing a platform for children to be heard and participate not only empowers them but contributes to positive outcomes for the community.


Touched by Olivia Foundation

The Touched by Olivia Foundation was founded following the tragic loss of John and Justine Perkins’  eight-month old daughter Olivia. With a strategy aimed at creating healthier and happier lives for children, the foundation’s core focus centres on creating inclusive play spaces across Australia. In this case study we see how including the voices of children and young people in the development of inclusive play spaces has been a successful strategy.

Uniting Care

Uniting Care Burnside have successfully incorporated the voices of some of the youngest members of their community in every day practices and processes at their childcare centre. This case study highlights that even our youngest citizens have valuable ideas and suggestions to make their lives and the lives of others better.

Participation for young people

Julia Reserve Youth Precinct Camden Council

Julia Reserve Youth Precinct in Oran Park is a space for young people, designed by young people, supported by Camden City Council.  The Julia Reserve Youth and Community Centre provides a one stop for local young people aged 12 to 24 years, hosting a range of fun activities and programs. The youth drop-in service also provides a soft entry point for referrals to more specialised programs to support young people with their needs through case-management, counselling and employment support. This case study highlights how including young people in the design and development of spaces and services, fosters genuine engagement, participation and belonging.


Western Sydney Local Health District Youth Council

Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) Youth Council is made up of 25 young people aged 16-25 years. The Youth Council provides advice and feedback to guide and shape health services, systems and strategies to engage, educate and service young people in Western Sydney. In this role, they facilitate consultations with other young people and work with Health District executives to share recommendations and develop health promotion content. This case study highlights how including young people in health service planning and promotion improves service delivery, increases health literacy and delivers better outcomes.

YMCA Youth Parliament

The YMCA have been running a NSW Youth Parliament Program for several years. This program allows young people from all parts of NSW to participate in an annual program that emulates NSW Parliament. Members represent their region and debate and make recommendations on policy, with their recommendations then presented to members of the current government. This case study highlights the positive and important contributions children and young people can make to our society.

Coonamble High School

Coonamble High School is located in remote NSW. The staff, led by Principal Margaret Mulchay, have developed several student participation programs which have involved empowering students by giving them ownership over their school environment and the outcomes of projects.  Coonamble High School has experienced an increase in student engagement as a result of their participation program.

Thank you to the organisations that are featured in our Participation in Practice video case studies. If you have a best-practice participation case study you would like to share, please contact the office of the Advocate for Children and Young People by emailing